American Poultry Asociation

American Poultry Association originated back in 1873 and is one of the oldest livestock organizations in the United States today. They have established breed guidelines, that are used by poultry judges across the United States.
Their Motto “to promote and protect the standard breed poultry industry in all phases” They are responsible for publishing “The American Standard of Perfection, which has the breed and variety descriptions for recognized purebred fowl.”
*Membership includes a quarterly newsletter sent to all members
*APA members can show their poultry at APA shows and gain points to achieve Master Exhibitor and receive awards.
If you are planning to show your poultry, joining the APA or using their website to check for your breed standards will be a reference guide that you will want to use often.
For more information on joining the American Poultry Association click here
The following books are valuable resources for anyone that owns poultry or wants to learn more about poultry.
“The American Standard of Perfections“ describes in detail the standards of all the breeds accepted in the APA. This is the book your poultry judge abides by when judging your poultry.
“Storey’s Guide to Raising Chickens“ is a comprehensive book on care, feeding, and raising poultry.
“Storey’s Illustrated Guide to Poultry Breeds“ is a wonderful poultry reference book this is a must-own, for anyone showing or considering showing poultry. Includes an array of color photographs of many breeds of chickens, ducks, turkeys, and more. The photographs are splendid depicting the correct color, feather pattern, comb type, etc for more than 128 breeds.
“The Chicken Health Book” is a common-sense book that covers all the ins and outs of raising chickens and caring for an ill bird. It has a ton of photos and illustrations depicting diseases and illnesses, and it tells you what you can do to prevent and cure. How to detect illness through feces. Plus how to grind your own feed from scratch for chicks, growers, and layers. It is a complete poultry care book.
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