Tag: TarBox Hollow Poultry

Oregano Essential Oil Benefits Poultry

Oregano Essential Oil Benefits Poultry

Increase Egg Production & Prevent Coccidiosis with Oregano The results are in Oregano is the new super food for your poultry. Oregano essential oils have demonstrated to assist in maintaining a healthy appetite, support stronger immune system, increase egg production, deter worms, and decrease mortality 

New Addition to TarBox Hollow Poultry English Orpingtons English Silver Laced, Blue and Splash Orpingtons

New Addition to TarBox Hollow Poultry English Orpingtons English Silver Laced, Blue and Splash Orpingtons

English Orpingtons are beautiful birds, these are no exception and still growing they are now just 5 months old.

Use Green Tea to Prevent Avian Influenza

Use Green Tea to Prevent Avian Influenza

English Lavender Mottled Orpington -Chicks available for order.

Green tea has been grown since ancient times, making a traditional tea that originated in China and has become a popular brew in Japan and China. Green tea leaves contain antioxidants and flavonoids. The compounds in green tea are known to be very effective in healing, consisting of EGCG (epigallocatechin-gallate) which is capable of increasing T-Cells that are beneficial in preventing autoimmune diseases. In addition, other healing elements include fluoride, catechins, and tannins.

White Ameraucanas order chicks today!

The really good news about these compounds is that the catechins in the green tea have demonstrated solid anti-influenza capabilities. “A study conducted on chickens by Lee HJ et al., 2012 showed that adding 10 g/kg of green tea to diet of chickens showed significant antiviral protection against avian influenza.”*

English Crele Orpingtons chicks available for order

Green tea has some amazing properties that can help keep chickens healthy, just as we know it helps people too. Brew some up for your chickens and while you’re at it, have a cup yourself, and reap the benefits.  

For more information click on the link, it is pretty interesting and if you google you will find more studies on green tea support for Avian Influenza and Coccidiosis



Here is a place where I have purchased bulk herbs including green tea for my chickens, they are pretty reasonable.

Bulk Herbs, Spices, Alternative Medicine, Craft Supply, Herbal Medicine, Online Supplier | HerbalCom

Learn How to Make a Self-Feeder for Poultry

Learn How to Make a Self-Feeder for Poultry

While there are many types of containers designed to feed chickens, here is a self-feeder that I have adapted that works well for my set up. I like it because it is efficient, keeps the food clean and allows the chickens to eat as much 

Avian Influenza Strikes Flock in Iowa 2022

Avian Influenza Strikes Flock in Iowa 2022

A single case of avian flu has been diagnosed in Council Bluffs Iowa region. If the disease moves west it could be a huge challenge for Nebraska poultry growers. Officials in Iowa substantiated the occurrence of this extremely transmissible disease, week of March 3rd, 2022, 




There have been multiple studies conducted using green tea for the treatment and prevention of avian diseases. In a study done in Korea where green tea was added to poultry feed, there was a 50% reduction in coccidiosis oocyst output, while maintaining weight. Another study done in Pakistan confirmed green tea contributed to exceptional anticoccidial response in broiler chicks, confirming its potential for use as an anticoccidial drug, with no residual effects. 

In addition, a study transpired in 2007 where green tea was successfully used to enhance immune response against coccidiosis, in addition it improved antibody support against New Castle Disease virus vaccines, concluding that the brew has the potential to boost vaccination effectiveness and immune response against coccidiosis…. continue reading 

for information on chicks or hatching eggs contact us at admin@tarboxhollowpoultry.com 

Lice & Mite Prevention

Lice & Mite Prevention

Lice & Mite Prevention Lice & mites are minute external parasites that live off of poultry, they are extremely resilient to all types of environmental conditions, including freezing cold temperatures. They are vicious blood-sucking pests that invade your coop attacking poultry compromising their health. Consider 

Preventing Respiratory Illness with Poultry

Preventing Respiratory Illness with Poultry

Keeping chickens healthy in the winter, can be more challenging, than the greener times of summer, when they can munch on weeds and bugs, that naturally keeps them healthier. Closing chickens indoors for protection from the adverse weather can set up the right conditions for 

300 Cases of Newcastle Disease In California

300 Cases of Newcastle Disease In California

300 Cases of Newcastle Disease In California

Poultry World reports January 21, 2019, that there have been 300 cases confirmed of the deadly Newcastle Disease in California since May 2018. Utah has recently first confirmed its first case of Newcastle disease, which is believed to be linked to birds shipped from California. Since the outbreak over half of a million birds have been euthanized at three commercial poultry farms in California. The state veterinary has ordered mandatory euthanization of all chickens in 4 different neighborhoods in Los Angeles, Riverside, and San Bernardino counties. Sadly, this action includes euthanization of healthy birds, their goal is to stop the further spread of the disease as new cases keep popping up.  For more information see Poultry World (“US West Coast Continues to Battle Newcastle Disease”)Jan 21, 2019, West Coast Continues to Battle Newcastle Disease

Newcastle Disease

Newcastle disease is a highly contagious viral disease that affects respiratory, digestive, and nervous systems. It can be fatal up to 100% of the time. Once inflicted chickens will show symptoms of swollen eyes, purplish color wattles, and comb, severe discharge of liquid from beak and nostrils, twisting of head and neck, loss of appetite, loose droppings, and sudden death. The disease is spread by body fluids from direct contact between chickens, cracked eggs, and droppings. In addition, humans can easily spread the disease via clothing and shoes by coming in contact with an environment that has chickens inflicted. There is no cure, antibiotics will only treat secondary infections. It can infect all birds, with a high mortality rate for chickens, while other other types of birds will show no symptoms and yet be carriers of the deadly disease. More on Newcastle Disease

Prevention is Key

Do not bring any new birds on to your property
Quarantine birds back from shows for 30 days
Practice biosecurity see Nebraska Poultry Biosecurity Guidebook 
Observe your birds regularly for symptoms and report any ill birds to Sick Bird Hotline 866-922-2473

For information on chicks or hatching eggs contact us at: admin@tarboxhollowpoultry.com 


For more information on Newcastle Disease see California Food and Agriculture

American Poultry Asociation

American Poultry Asociation

American Poultry Association originated back in 1873 and is one of the oldest livestock organizations in the United States today. They have established breed guidelines, that are used by poultry judges across the United States. Their Motto “to promote and protect the standard breed poultry industry