Tag: chicken

8 Ways to Reduce Respiratory Illness in Poultry

8 Ways to Reduce Respiratory Illness in Poultry

In the winter months, as the weather turns colder, chicken keepers are forced to keep their birds shut indoors to protect them from adverse weather conditions. Confinement indoors can create conditions, triggering respiratory illness in poultry. The respiratory systems of chickens are very sensitive to 

California Issues Quarantine Due to Newcastle Disease

California Issues Quarantine Due to Newcastle Disease

Due to Virulent Newcastle Disease, the state of California has issued a quarantine and will no longer allow shipments of live poultry, hatching eggs or embryonated eggs in or out of these zip codes 90000-93599. These zip codes include areas of San Diego, Los Angeles, Santa 

300 Cases of Newcastle Disease In California

300 Cases of Newcastle Disease In California

300 Cases of Newcastle Disease In California

Poultry World reports January 21, 2019, that there have been 300 cases confirmed of the deadly Newcastle Disease in California since May 2018. Utah has recently first confirmed its first case of Newcastle disease, which is believed to be linked to birds shipped from California. Since the outbreak over half of a million birds have been euthanized at three commercial poultry farms in California. The state veterinary has ordered mandatory euthanization of all chickens in 4 different neighborhoods in Los Angeles, Riverside, and San Bernardino counties. Sadly, this action includes euthanization of healthy birds, their goal is to stop the further spread of the disease as new cases keep popping up.  For more information see Poultry World (“US West Coast Continues to Battle Newcastle Disease”)Jan 21, 2019, West Coast Continues to Battle Newcastle Disease

Newcastle Disease

Newcastle disease is a highly contagious viral disease that affects respiratory, digestive, and nervous systems. It can be fatal up to 100% of the time. Once inflicted chickens will show symptoms of swollen eyes, purplish color wattles, and comb, severe discharge of liquid from beak and nostrils, twisting of head and neck, loss of appetite, loose droppings, and sudden death. The disease is spread by body fluids from direct contact between chickens, cracked eggs, and droppings. In addition, humans can easily spread the disease via clothing and shoes by coming in contact with an environment that has chickens inflicted. There is no cure, antibiotics will only treat secondary infections. It can infect all birds, with a high mortality rate for chickens, while other other types of birds will show no symptoms and yet be carriers of the deadly disease. More on Newcastle Disease

Prevention is Key

Do not bring any new birds on to your property
Quarantine birds back from shows for 30 days
Practice biosecurity see Nebraska Poultry Biosecurity Guidebook 
Observe your birds regularly for symptoms and report any ill birds to Sick Bird Hotline 866-922-2473

For information on chicks or hatching eggs contact us at: admin@tarboxhollowpoultry.com 


For more information on Newcastle Disease see California Food and Agriculture

American Poultry Asociation

American Poultry Asociation

American Poultry Association originated back in 1873 and is one of the oldest livestock organizations in the United States today. They have established breed guidelines, that are used by poultry judges across the United States. Their Motto “to promote and protect the standard breed poultry industry