Mahogany Favorelles Large Fowl Dozen Hatching Eggs


Booking for Spring 2025

Out of stock


Our Mahogany Favorelles were  imported directly from France very rare in the United States. They are beautiful chickens and sweet personalities common to all favorelles. They are very winter hardy and good layers of brown eggs. They also lay early and are decent winter laying birds, ours started laying in January with temperatures below zero many nights.  Our Mahogany Flavorelles also have good feet and leg feathering. Mahogany Favorelles will make a good addition to any flock.

Hatching Eggs are shipped by the dozen plus two extra for a total of 14 eggs, to cover possible breakage, which is rare. Eggs are shipped in egg shipping foam pointed end down, hatching eggs are shipped fresh at 1-4 days old, shipped via USPS priority mail, 1-3 day ship time, and include $50 insurance, shipping is $20 additional.

Buying hatching eggs can have some risks, due to unforeseen circumstances, shipping, and handling conditions, that are out of our control, we do not offer any guarantees or returns. We check fertility regularly to ensure a good hatch potential..  

All chick orders are shipped USPS Priority Mail Express, ship time 1-2 days. Included with shipping Grogel*, Heat Pack and Insurance .

For Pick-Up at Farm email to have shipping costs removed.

We Ship Continental USA Only

We ship all 48 continental states, sorry we are not shipping chicks to Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico or Internationally.

Please Contact us if you have any questions at email

*Grogel is a nourishment designed for young chicks, it is tiny beads of nutrients and water.

Order Placement

Once your order is placed it will be confirmed by email with an estimated ship date. You will be emailed tracking numbers by email; the day we ship your hatching egg order USPS Priority Mail. We usually ship hatching eggs Monday-Wednesday.

We are not a commercial hatchery we are a small flock farm breeding for quality not quantity and we fill orders by order queue. Some breeds may have a wait time






For Pick-Up at Farm email to have shipping costs removed.

Additional Shipping Information

Hatching eggs are shipped in egg foam and with packing for safe delivery, they are shipped USPS priority mail.

If you would like your hatching egg order marked Hold for Pick UP so that you can pick up your order at your local post office, instead of it having them delivered to your address, we can do this.  Please email us with your instructions, with your phone number and we will confirm back to you.

If you don’t request hold for pick up, your order will be shipped to the address you enter in the shipping screen.


Thank you!

TarBox Hollow Poultry

email admin@tarboxhollowpoultry

NPIP & Avian Influenza Free

Please Contact us for any additional information at email