Blue Ameraucana Chicks Large Fowl


Book order now for Spring 2025
Minimum quantity of 10 for shipping, (order can be any combination of breeds), no minimum for pick up at farm.


Blue Ameraucana, these are the true ameraucanas. Ameraucanas were developed in the United States with the help of Araucana chickens from Chile. They are prolific layers of blue eggs Very unique looking birds with their beards and muffs. In addition, they are winter hardy and good foragers and will occasionally go broody. Our breeding pen is made up of Blue and Splash Ameraucanas and both colors will hatch, mostly will be blue. Our blue ameraucana breeding pen may also hatch an occasional splash colored ameraucana.

Chicks are shipped straight run, day old, minimum order for shipping is quantity of 10. No minimum for pick-up at farm. Chick orders are shipped USPS Priority Express Mail (ship time is 1-2 day). Shipping is $65 additional and includes grogel, heat pack, and insurance.


Important Shipping Information

Chicks can be ordered in any combination of breeds as long as minimum of 10 is met for shipped orders.

We can ship a total of 22 chicks per box any combination of breeds. If the total chicks ordered is between 23 and 44 chicks, a second chick shipping charge of $65 will be applied and the order will be shipped in two separate boxes.

To save on shipping we can ship in a single large box for $25 additional, example total order is 44 chicks, can be shipped in one large box with savings of $40. Total shipping cost for large box would be $65+$25= $90

To request a large shipping box for your order please email  your request to  

All chick orders are shipped USPS Priority Mail Express, ship time 1-2 days. Included with shipping Grogel*, Heat Pack and Insurance .

For Pick-Up at Farm email to have shipping costs removed.

We Ship Continental USA Only

We ship all 48 continental states, sorry we are not shipping chicks to Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico or Internationally.

Please Contact us if you have any questions at email

*Grogel is a nourishment designed for young chicks, it is tiny beads of nutrients and water.


Young cockerel Splash Ameraucana


Order Placement

Orders are planned to start shipping in April, unless March is warmer.  Once the order is placed your order will be confirmed with an estimated ship date and you will be notified again in week before your chicks ship by email. We ship chicks on Mondays or Tuesday. 


We are not a commercial hatchery we are a small flock farm breeding for quality not quantity and fill orders by order queue. Some breeds may have a wait time.


Thank you!

TarBox Hollow Poultry

email admin@tarboxhollowpoultry

NPIP & Avian Influenza Free



NPIP & Avian Influenza Free

*Grogel is tiny beads of water filled with nutrients.

Splash and Blue Ameraucanas