Our English orpingtons at TarBox Hollow come in many beautiful colors and they all have in common sweet temperaments, large size and lots of fluff. They make a wonderful addition to any back yard flock as orpingtons get a long very well with other breeds. …
Hatching eggs are shipped pointed end down in egg foam surrounded by packing for safe delivery, they are shipped USPS priority mail, normally is a 2-3 day ship time. If you would like your hatching egg order marked Hold for Pick UP, where you can …
The results are in Oregano is the new super food for your poultry. Oregano essential oils have demonstrated to assist in maintaining a healthy appetite, support stronger immune system, increase egg production, deter worms, and decrease mortality rate of chicks to coccidiosis and necrotic enteritis. In addition, oregano is appropriate for organic production, with no immunity resistance, unlike coccidiostats and antibiotics, which is a growing challenge for the poultry industry. In addition, oregano essential oil has natural antifungal, antiviral, and antibacterial benefits.
White Ameraucanas
Here is the Proof
A European egg producer conducted a study with egg production. They administered essential oil oregano to 64,000 laying hens age 21-76 weeks, results showed an increase of 22 eggs per hen for the time period of the test. In addition, there was improvement in the quality of the eggs with less blood spots, better weight, and less dirty eggs.
Another study conducted at North Carolina State University analyzing the affects of oregano on parasites. The results showed hens fed oregano essential oil had a lower round worm count and risk of tapeworm infection was reduced by over 50%.
Research conducted by Anpario noted Orego-Stem was effective in halting gastrointestinal diseases, coccidiosis, and necrotic enteritis, contributing to higher yields of profit and return on investment.
Pair Salmon Favorelles Bantams
Products with Oregano
With proven all the proven benefits of oregano, it is no wonder that oregano essential oils, are becoming common place in poultry products. Currently there are many poultry food products in the marketplace that contain oregano essential oils; Naturewise All Flock”, “Naturewise Layer Feed”, Naturewise “Feather Fixer”, Anpario “Orego-stim”,”Duravet Durastat”, “RopaPoultry “Complete Oregano Supplement”, and more.
English Crele Orpingtons
Our Experience at TarBox Hollow Poultry
At TarBox we used oregano essential oil, spring 2021 for all of our chicks. We started our day-old chicks with a product called Ampario Orego-Stim an oregano essential oil-based product. We continued feeding it until about 10 weeks old. We saw significantly reduced loss of chicks and better recovery from coccidiosis and other illness. One of the nice things about the product it was very easy to feed with little waste, we administered in water, and a little bit goes a long way.
How Oregano Works
Orego-Stim increases the “rate of shedding of the gut lining” causing the coccoidal sporozoites to be shed before they can penetrate deeper into the intestine wall interrupting their life cycle to create more oocysts, thus stopping coccidiosis from advancing. In addition, the study by Anpario confirmed all species of Eimeria are continually shed and eliminated from the intestines to efficiently prevent coccidiosis. While cocci build resistance to antibiotics and coccidiostats, this does not happen with Orgeo-Stim, nor is there any indication of bacterial resistance. In addition, with the use of Orego-Stim, it was noted chicks increased weight gains in contrast to diets using coccidiostats. Oregano is appropriate for organic production, studies show there is no residue in eggs or meats.
Mille Fleur d’Uccle chicks
English Splash Orpington
In Conclusion
All very interesting stuff, the use of oregano essential oil has proven to reduce disease, decrease parasites, increase egg production and quality. It increases appetite with improved weight gain and it is appropriate for organic production. With oregano, parasites and bacteria cannot develop immunity to them, unlike antibiotics and coccidiostats. Feeding poultry oregano essential oil will improve poultry health, increase egg production, and ultimately save flock owners money. We will continue to feed our flock oregano essential and reap the benefits.
Green tea has been grown since ancient times, making a traditional tea that originated in China and has become a popular brew in Japan and China. Green tea leaves contain antioxidants and flavonoids. The compounds in green tea are known to be very effective in …
While there are many types of containers designed to feed chickens, here is a self-feeder that I have adapted that works well for my set up. I like it because it is efficient, keeps the food clean and allows the chickens to eat as much as they need without waste. I can fill this self-feeder up for a pen of 8-10 chickens, and it will capably feed them for up to a week.
Additional Benefits
Very simple to make, with a power drill
Inexpensive and cost effective, you just need a drill bit and a pail with lid to build
It holds enough feed to self-feed a small flock for several days or longer depending on how many birds you have in the pen
Cost Effective with less food waste.
Feed stays clean when placed on a 4–6-inch platform
Black Ameraucana Bantam Rooster
Items Needed
Power Drill
1 1/4 Speedbor drill bit
5-gallon pail with lid
Large 3 gallon pan typically used to feed and water poultry
A small 4–6-inch platform to set auto- feeder on
This is a really easy set up, you simply use a power drill with a bit capable of drilling 1 1/4-inch hole. When drilling the holes, it seems to work better if you drill into the pail and then put drill in reverse and drill out the hole, this makes for a smoother cut. By going forwards and then putting drill in reverse, will make a nicer cleaner hole. Continue drilling several holes around the bottom of the pail about 2 inches from the bottom the pail, if they are too low to the bottom of the pail, the feed will not pour into the feed pan as easily. Make the holes all the way around the bottom of the pail about 3 to 4 inches apart and 2 inches from the bottom of the pail. Once you have this done, set the pail inside of a large 3-gallon rubber water pan or other type of large pan. Fill the pail with feed and place lid on pail.
English Lavender Mottled Oprintons
Build A Platform for Auto Feeder
It is a good idea to place this feeder system on platform above the coop floor by about 4-6 inches to keep debris out of the feed. If you are feeding bantams 4 inches should be good, if you’re feeding a large fowl 6 inches should be good, if your feeding turkeys, you might want it to make the platform taller.
Building the Platform
Here is a nice way to build a platform: take two pieces of 2×4’ lumber and cut two 18 inch in length pieces and you need one 18×18” square piece of plywood. To assemble the platform, use 2-inch screws or nails to attach plywood to 18-inch square plywood. You can also make platforms other ways like with bricks or whatever you have, that will elevate the self-feeder off the floor of the coop. Once you have a platform, you can start feeding your chickens with ease with the auto feeder on the platform and you are ready to go, now your chickens will have access to food when they need it
A single case of avian flu has been diagnosed in Council Bluffs Iowa region. If the disease moves west it could be a huge challenge for Nebraska poultry growers. Officials in Iowa substantiated the occurrence of this extremely transmissible disease, week of March 3rd, 2022, …
GREEN TEA & COCCIDIOSIS There have been multiple studies conducted using green tea for the treatment and prevention of avian diseases. In a study done in Korea where green tea was added to poultry feed, there was a 50% reduction in coccidiosis oocyst output, while maintaining …
Lice & mites are minute external parasites that live off of poultry, they are extremely resilient to all types of environmental conditions, including freezing cold temperatures. They are vicious blood-sucking pests that invade your coop attacking poultry compromising their health.
Black English Orpington Cockerel 8 months
Consider these preventative measures to Stop Lice and Mites
Use a spray that is effective in eliminating lice and mites on poultry. Permethrin based sprays work well, some can be applied directly on chickens, which is handy if you have a severe outbreak. However, if you manage your coop with regular applications of permethrin, you rarely need to do this. The key to here is to apply permethrin every time you clean the chicken house, make spraying for lice and mites a part of your cleaning routine. Apply thoroughly on cleaned floors, walls, and roosts (both sides). There are various products on the market, but find one that can be used on chickens, like Gordons Permethrin 10, be sure to follow the manufacturer’s directions. When you proactively spray the coop on a regular basis, usually they do not need to spray chickens for lice or mites. I usually spray area when I can let chickens out in their runs, so they are not exposed to the intensity of the spray when it is first applied.
Hint: To make your coop smell wonderful and naturally deter pests and rodents add lavender essential oil to the permethrin spray mixture.
A healthy flock will yield healthy chicks
Other Preventative Measures
Feed apple cider vinegar to chickens 1 Tablespoon per gallon of water in non-metallic drinking containers, there is some studies that show consumption will deter external parasites naturally or maybe it just makes them healthier for a natural defense mechanism
Set up dust baths in their runs, a natural way to smother lice and mites
Mix Diatomaceous Earth also is known as DE, in their dust baths and bedding, it naturally kills lice and mites.
Use Barn Lime, ground limestone, it naturally creates an environment with a high pH level that kills lice and mites naturally.
Stack your Bedding for Success
Start by cleaning the coop floor thoroughly and then spray the floor with permethrin 10, I also like to mix in lavender essential oil into permethrin spray, this will make the coop smell wonderful and it also deters pests and rodents. Next, spread a thin layer of barn lime on the floor and in cleaned nest boxes. Lime naturally deters insects with is high pH level, and is perfectly safe for chickens, it also works as a drying agent that hampers insect reproduction and decreases ammonia levels, pretty neat stuff. Barn lime can be bought at local farm stores for around $4 per 50-pound bag, be sure not to confuse it with hydrated lime, which is not recommended for chickens. After applying barn lime, I put down bedding of wood chips and I spray once again over the top of wood chips with the permethrin lavender mixture.
Ameraucanas Black, Blue, and Splash Colors, famous for laying blue eggs.
As long as I follow preventive measures, I keep the lice at bay and never have to worry about dusting each bird, which makes life so much easier for me and them. In addition, I really don’t think dusting a bird with harsh pesticides is a good idea for their sensitive airways.
For additional information on DE see:
For information on chicks or hatching eggs contact us at: admin@tarboxhollowpoultry.com
Keeping chickens healthy in the winter, can be more challenging, than the greener times of summer, when they can munch on weeds and bugs, that naturally keeps them healthier. Closing chickens indoors for protection from the adverse weather can set up the right conditions for …
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