Tag: English Orpingtons

English Orpingtons Many Beautiful Colors

English Orpingtons Many Beautiful Colors

Our English orpingtons at TarBox Hollow come in many beautiful colors and they all have in common sweet temperaments, large size and lots of fluff. They make a wonderful addition to any back yard flock as orpingtons get a long very well with other breeds. 

New Addition to TarBox Hollow Poultry English Orpingtons English Silver Laced, Blue and Splash Orpingtons

New Addition to TarBox Hollow Poultry English Orpingtons English Silver Laced, Blue and Splash Orpingtons

English Orpingtons are beautiful birds, these are no exception and still growing they are now just 5 months old.

English Crele Orpingtons

English Crele Orpingtons

TarBox Hollow Poultry Orpingtons

Beautiful birds, wonderful temperaments and they are excellent layers of large brown eggs. Full plumage and large size birds a pleasure to own, they are wonderful exhibition birds. Good winter layers very winter hardy.