English Orpingtons Many Beautiful Colors

English Orpingtons Many Beautiful Colors

Our English orpingtons at TarBox Hollow come in many beautiful colors and they all have in common sweet temperaments, large size and lots of fluff. They make a wonderful addition to any back yard flock as orpingtons get a long very well with other breeds. 

Feeding Bantam Type Day Old Chicks

Feeding Bantam Type Day Old Chicks

Feeding day old chicks adequately in their early stage of life is critical to their development. There are many fine nutritious starters available for chicks, I would encourage you be alert to the ability of your baby chicks to consume it when they are a 

Oregano Essential Oil Benefits Poultry

Oregano Essential Oil Benefits Poultry

Increase Egg Production & Prevent Coccidiosis with Oregano The results are in Oregano is the new super food for your poultry. Oregano essential oils have demonstrated to assist in maintaining a healthy appetite, support stronger immune system, increase egg production, deter worms, and decrease mortality 

TarBox Hollow Poultry Gift Certificate

TarBox Hollow Poultry Gift Certificate

Purchase TarBox Hollow Poultry Gift Certificate for any amount, certificate good for 1 year from date of purchase. Gift certificate good only to purchase hatching eggs or chicks at TarBox Hollow Poultry.

Learn How to Make a Self-Feeder for Poultry

Learn How to Make a Self-Feeder for Poultry

While there are many types of containers designed to feed chickens, here is a self-feeder that I have adapted that works well for my set up. I like it because it is efficient, keeps the food clean and allows the chickens to eat as much 

How Sweet it is Barn Lime for Your Coop

How Sweet it is Barn Lime for Your Coop

Silver Spangles Appenzeller Spitzhauben Flock Consider Barn Lime for your Coop Have you considered using barn lime in your coops? Also known as agricultural lime, ag lime, dairy lime. Barn lime is a phenomenal product that can be assist in lice and mite prevention in 

Avian Influenza Strikes Flock in Iowa 2022

Avian Influenza Strikes Flock in Iowa 2022

A single case of avian flu has been diagnosed in Council Bluffs Iowa region. If the disease moves west it could be a huge challenge for Nebraska poultry growers. Officials in Iowa substantiated the occurrence of this extremely transmissible disease, week of March 3rd, 2022, 

Best Way to Water Chickens

Best Way to Water Chickens

If you own chickens, you know how messy their water pans can get. They can take perfectly fresh water and turn it in to a pooy bacteria nightmare in a matter of minutes. Most of the traditional water pan system allow for chickens to drop 

Preventing Respiratory Illness with Poultry

Preventing Respiratory Illness with Poultry

Keeping chickens healthy in the winter, can be more challenging, than the greener times of summer, when they can munch on weeds and bugs, that naturally keeps them healthier. Closing chickens indoors for protection from the adverse weather can set up the right conditions for 

American Poultry Asociation

American Poultry Asociation

American Poultry Association originated back in 1873 and is one of the oldest livestock organizations in the United States today. They have established breed guidelines, that are used by poultry judges across the United States. Their Motto “to promote and protect the standard breed poultry industry